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Documenting Learning Framework

Silvia Tolisano and I wrote A Guide to Documenting Learning: Making Thinking Visible, Meaningful, Shareable, and Amplified to provide a documenting framework and how-to guide to aid learners in owning their own learning processes, and assisting others in their learning growth as well.

When deep learning experiences are visible and involve students directly in the documentation process, it enables them to identify moments worth remembering. When teachers are co-creators with their students, both gain valuable insights that inform future learning and empower students as engaged learners.

When engaged in Documenting FOR and AS Learning  opportunities, the three phases aid in:

  1. Pre-documentation Phase
  • Thinking critically about what is going to be documented and why
  1. During-documentation Phase
  • Documenting the learning moments now and over time
  1. Post-documentation Phase
  • Focusing on metacognition, and how to evaluate, use, and make meaning of the captured media and documented artifacts

The five documenting learningflow routine steps embrace students and teachers participating in the act of learning while the learning is taking place. Owning one’s learning takes on new depths and perspectives when these steps are applied to purposeful documentation. Among the questions to ask and contemplate during each step include:

  • Look — What will I/we accept as evidence of learning?
  • Capture — How can I best show the process of learning?
  • Reflect — How will what I/we learned through reflection and interpretation impact my/our future learning?
  • Share — What platform and/or tool will be the best for sharing?
  • Amplify — How can I connect and share with a larger audience?

When implementing our documenting framework you will discover that the three phases and five learningflow routine steps are not completely separate components, as there are times when the phases and steps overlap. When learners are engaged in documenting FOR or AS learning, all the steps: look, capture, reflect, share, and amplify are interwoven throughout the phases in a documenting opportunity.

Do you have questions about the Documenting Learning Framework?

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