Curriculum Mapping Systems
In Chapter 10, “What Should We Consider Regarding Technology?” of my book, A Guide to Curriculum Mapping: Planning, Implementing, and Sustaining the Process, I included a quote from Friedman’s The World is Flat:
“Technology capabilities have advanced exponentially in the last 10 years and will only continue to do so.”
This statement is more true now than ever, especially when you consider the continuous advancements made in subscription- based and open-source mapping systems, or a mapping feature within multi-functioning management systems.
I am often asked, “Which is the best mapping system?” My answer has been, and will continue to be: it depends. While all systems are online and 24/7 accessible, they are not all created equal internally. Therefore, it is imperative that you and your leadership team create a mapping-system needs assessment based on your short- and long-range curriculum and instruction goals before beginning the selection process.
While my book highlights seven pages of specific questions to ask when selecting about a mapping system in Chapter 10, I want to mention three general questions here that are important to ask and ponder regardless of your learning organization’s personalized curriculum and instruction needs:
- If the curriculum map component is part of a larger management system, how do the curriculum maps interact with the other system components?
- How long has the company’s system had a curriculum map component?
- Does the company have a dedicated staff to aid in your mapping process that has a full understanding of curriculum mapping and curriculum design?
It is important that your leadership team can differentiate between curriculum mapping and curriculum tracking when considering map-creation capabilities: it is important that your leadership team can differentiate between curriculum mapping and curriculum tracking when considering map-creation capabilities: